When you need to borrow cash, it is normal to want to find the best loans available online. However, doing so may prove difficult, especially if your credit history has seen better days. The good news is the best loan rates in the UK are not only reserved for those with the best credit scores. At LoanPig, we can help you find loans that are suited to your circumstances and that provide transparent, flexible terms you can choose. If you are tired of being declined by bank lenders due to having poor credit, apply through us today and find the right lender offering the best loans.

Tell us how much you need to borrow, how long for and click apply now to start your application today.


What are the Best Loans?


The best loans are those that provide exactly what you are looking for and enable flexible repayment terms. Similar to other short term loans, they are ideal when you need to pay for an unexpected expense or a financial emergency, helping you get back on track quickly. The best loans are not necessarily those that provide the longest repayment dates or the highest amounts. Instead, they tend to be ones you can pay off quickly and without being charged too much interest. At LoanPig, we work as both a direct lender and broker, so if we cannot provide the loan you want, one of our partner lenders will be in a good position to do so. This means applicants have a higher chance of being approved thanks to having more options to find the best loan rates in the UK.

As Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) authorised brokers and lenders, we strive to connect applicants with the best loans available. It is free to use our service to find available loans and all you have to do is complete a short application form to see your offers. If we can lend you the money you want directly, we will offer the terms you are looking for. If not, you can select from one of our lender offers and complete your application on their website. Much like payday loans, you can receive instant cash within 24 hours of approval, so you can have the money you need quickly and resolve your situation in an instant.


Eligibility for the Best Loans Rates in the UK


Applying through us could not be simpler and requires you to meet a few minimal requirements first:

– be a current UK resident

– be at least 18-years-old

– have an active bank account and valid debit card

– either be in permanent employment or receiving some form of disability/living allowance or a pension

Whilst we cannot guarantee approval by meeting the above, you will be one step closer to finding the best loans suitable for you. We will need to perform a check of your credit history as well as a full assessment of your current finances. Some lenders may require further documentation to assess your application. If all is successful, your loan will be processed to pay into your bank account the same day, or at the latest within 24 hours of approval. Please note, we cannot control how quickly a third-party lender processes your loan.

How Much Would You Like?

Representative example: Borrow £300 over 3 months @ 292% pa (fixed) Total repayment: £457.95 in 3 monthly payments of £152.65. Representative 1261% APR.

Find the Best Loan Rates in the UK, Even with Bad Credit


As we focus on affordability, this means you can apply even with a bad credit history, with us matching you to lenders that are best suited to help those with poor credit. It can be easy to think that the best loan rates in the UK can only be found with an excellent credit rating, however, it is much more important to choose a loan you can afford to pay back. That is why we focus on affordability over your credit history, so if you have proven affordability today and the repayments will not cause you to be overstretched financially, you could find many options through us.

We do not recommend applicants take out the longest terms possible or the maximum loan amount. At LoanPig, we provide flexible repayments up to 12 months and loans no larger than £1500, but you should only apply for the amount you need in the short term. Remember, the longer you choose to pay back a loan will mean higher amounts of interest charged, so rather than choose the smallest repayment possible, if you can afford to pay back more each month it will pay off the debt quicker.


Find & Apply for the Best Loans at LoanPig


Ready to find the best loans online? You can quickly fill in our application form and see your lender offers today. Click apply now once you have chosen the loan amount and repayment term you require using the sliders above. Have any questions? Please contact us and we will be happy to help answer any queries you may have about the best loans.


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Best Loans FAQs


What are the Best Loans for Bad Credit?


If you are an applicant with a poor credit history, finding suitable loan options online can be difficult. Here at LoanPig, we work with a panel of lenders who will offer the best loans based on affordability rather than your current credit score. This way, you can freely choose the amount and terms you want and see exactly how much the loan will cost you upfront before continuing, helping you make an informed choice that is right for you. Whilst bank lenders or other online lenders may turn you away due to a poor credit score, we work differently and can help you find exactly what you need if you are not in current financial difficulty.


How Do I Get the Best Loan Rates in the UK?


It is easy to apply online at LoanPig and see the best loans for your terms. By telling us how much you want to borrow and how long for, as well as filling in our short application form, we will show you the best loan rates in the UK from our panel of lenders, which include us. For the best chance of being approved at the best rates, you will need to ensure you have enough disposable income each month to cover repayments. If we or other lenders cannot determine you have the means to maintain repayments, we will not be able to approve the best loans.


Can I Apply for the Best Loans Without a Credit Check?


As part of our commitment to responsible lending guidelines set out by the FCA, all applicants are required to have a credit check. This is to check your credit history and ensure you are not in current financial problems. However, this is one part of the approval process, with your current finances reviewed to see what you can afford to pay. If you apply for a loan with payments you cannot afford, then being approved will not be possible. If you can afford the repayments, then we may be able to approve. If you are concerned with having a credit check due to a low credit score, you may still be approved based on your affordability.