How much cash can I get with a Payday loan? Payday loans can be an ideal way to solve immediate financial problems and get you out of a crisis. They're usually quick and easy to apply for and generally offer instant decisions to applicants. If you are thinking about
Why a Credit Card is Riskier than a Payday Loan
Why a credit card is riskier than a payday loan End-of-the-month anxiety is a serious concern for many people living in the UK. Sometimes, especially just after the festive season, bills mount up and cash-flow gets uncomfortably tight. It's usually at this stage that
Top benefits of Short Term loans
Top benefits of Short Term loans Short Term loans are an excellent way to raise cash in a hurry. If you need to sort out any kind of financial crisis, a short term or instalment loan can be one of the best solutions, and they are even available to consumers with bad
How to save money on food this January
Top money saving tips for 2019 from LoanPig. January always seems like such a long month! Particularly as many of us get paid early before Christmas - which is great at the time but means that things start getting very tight just about now. One of the essential expenses
How to Sort out your Finances in 2019
Christmas is now over and many of us are now beginning to realise that, despite our good intentions, we spent far too much money. But if you are counting the cost of Christmas, you are not the only one! Recent research from investment company Hargreaves Lansdown
Cost of Living in the UK with a Bad Credit Score
What is the cost of living in the UK with a Bad Credit score? Below, we talk about some of the differences between having a good credit score and a bad one. As far as the financial institutes are concerned there are only 2 levels of scoring and you've either got it or
Free Fun and Games this Christmas!
Have fun saving money this Christmas with LoanPig So this is Christmas. And what will you DO?! You’ve opened the presents, eaten the food, watched enough TV to give you square eyes. And if you hear one more Christmas song you will not be responsible for the
How to Host Christmas Dinner on a Budget
Spend less this Christmas with money saving tips from LoanPig Christmas is almost upon us and many of us are feeling the pinch. In our recent article Ten Tips to Get Christmas Sorted we looked at various ways of saving money in the run up to Christmas. In this article
Top Ten Free Christmas Attractions
Save money this Christmas with LoanPig. Christmas is on its way! Our recent article Ten Tips to Get Christmas Sorted includes lots of advice about getting ready for Christmas without overspending. But Christmas also means school holidays, and it can be really expensive
What if you miss Black Friday?!
Money saving tips for Christmas from LoanPig. Black Friday weekend has arrived, along with all the hype that inevitably accompanies it. Our last article - Get Ready for Black Friday - contains lots of useful advice about how to ensure that you get genuine bargains and