Is it worth a loan for Bitcoin? You might have seen the hype in the last two weeks about Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a new type of currency that is entirely computer based so it's not really a coin. Bitcoin has dramatically increased in value this year and in particular in the
Top 10 Tips To Reset Your Debt
How to reset your debt Particularly at this time of year, with Christmas right around the corner, you might be short of cash. If you've been having financial worries for some time, you might have built up a fair bit of debt. As with every difficult subject, there's
When is it safe choosing a payday loan direct lender?
Is it ever the right choice to use a payday loan direct lender? At this time of year, you may well be feeling the pinch with your finances. Maybe your car doesn't like the cold or your boiler is broken. Perhaps you've had a temporary loss of income like reduced hours or
Top 5 Free Or Cheap Gifts At Christmas
Cheap Gifts At Christmas We've all been there, Christmas is getting really close and the bank account is empty. This year, rather than end up in debt, why not do something different. With a bit of time and effort, you can find a great present for your loved ones without
Nurses Trapped In Payday Loan Debt
Are Nurses stuck in Payday Loan trap? It's thought that over 5% of nurses in the UK have taken out a payday loan. After years of frozen wages, times are hard for the people working everyday in our hospitals. The Royal College of Nursing surveyed over 7000 nurses on
Interesting Facts About Payday Loans And If They Are Right For You
Need Extra Cash? Are you in need of some extra cash? Do you just need cash now to get you out of a hole? Well, if you need some extra money, then consider getting a payday loan. Payday loans can be a quick and easy way to get cash but they do come with costs.
Top 10 Christmas Money Saving Tips
Christmas can be expensive But it doesn't need to send you into short term financial emergency! There are loads of way to keep Christmas spending under control. Read on for our top 10 Christmas money saving tips. 1. Plan according to your budget As we've written
Get Ready For Cyber Monday
Are you ready for Cyber Monday? It's Black Friday but that's not the end of the deals. A tradition that started in America but is now huge in the UK, Cyber Monday is the first Monday after Black Friday. Cyber Monday is a whole new round of discounts and sales focussed
Christmas Debt Worries
Do You Have Christmas Debt Worries? It's just over a month to go until the big day, but do you have Christmas debt worries already? Are you worried that your pay packet at the end of this month won't cover the cost of Christmas? Are you thinking that the only way to get
5 Tips For Surviving A Snowy Winter On A Budget
How to cope with a freezing winter on a budget You may have read in the press or heard on the news that the UK might be in for a big freeze this winter. If your budget is already stretched or you've had a recent financial emergency, you might be worried how you'll cope