How much cash can I get with a Payday loan? Payday loans can be an ideal way to solve immediate financial problems and get you out of a crisis. They're usually quick and easy to apply for and generally offer instant decisions to applicants. If you are thinking about
Top Ten Free Christmas Attractions
Save money this Christmas with LoanPig. Christmas is on its way! Our recent article Ten Tips to Get Christmas Sorted includes lots of advice about getting ready for Christmas without overspending. But Christmas also means school holidays, and it can be really expensive
What if you miss Black Friday?!
Money saving tips for Christmas from LoanPig. Black Friday weekend has arrived, along with all the hype that inevitably accompanies it. Our last article - Get Ready for Black Friday - contains lots of useful advice about how to ensure that you get genuine bargains and
Get Ready for Black Friday!
Money saving tips for Black Friday bargains Next Friday - 23rd November - is Black Friday. In America, Black Friday is the day immediately after Thanksgiving. It marks the official start of the Christmas shopping season and there are many price reductions and special
How to save money on utility bills
More money saving tips from LoanPig. Energy bills are big news yet again. In July it was reported that people who have smart meters installed might only save an average of £11 annually on their energy bills, much less than originally hoped. Then in August British Gas
Five Common Money Mistakes
Sort out your finances with online loans from LoanPig It is a sad fact of life that some people are good with money and others just aren't. We've all got that one friend who always seems to be able to buy what they need and yet also has savings and, as far as we can
Rebuilding a Bad Credit Rating: Go it Alone or Get Help
If you have a bad credit rating, or even if there are just inaccuracies on one of your credit reports (you do have three - one with each of the major credit reporting companies) making the decision whether to try to repair your credit yourself and save money or hire an
Can Young Drivers Ever Score Cheap Car Insurance Rates?
If you are a young driver getting your driver's license can be very exciting and actually getting your hands on your own car is even more exciting. What is not so great about this coming of age rite is the price of young drivers car insurance. The Problem with Car
15 Easy – and Painless – Ways to Save for Tomorrow
You know that you should be saving more of your money, whether it's for a specific goal (a new house, a new car, a nice holiday) or just for a rainy day. In fact, you know that everyone should have a savings account that has more than a couple of quid in it. And you do
How To Save Big On Your Summer Holiday Travel: Part Two: Saving in the Sun
Last week, we offered all kinds of savings suggestions to help you get to a great holiday destination for less. This week, as promised, we have more, this time to help you stretch cash further once you arrive and the holiday party really begins: Be wary of car rental