Learn How To Save Money With LoanPig

Every single one of us wants to save money. This is a universal truth! Sadly, many of us just don’t know how to save money, how to start saving money or even where to put it once we have saved it. So, for all of the would-be savers out there this guide is for you. We

Save Money On Your Summer Holiday

Saving money on your summer holidays can be challenging, difficult and/or near impossible if you do not know what you are doing. That is why we have put this guide together for you so that you can learn more about how to save money on your summer holiday. We do not have

Money Management – Tips And Tricks For Students

Students always want to save money, this is, of course, a given. Students are also generally either constantly strapped for cash or somewhat lacking when it comes to budgeting, saving money or money management – this is not a hard and fast rule however and we

The LoanPig Guide To Money Management

Managing money is incredibly challenging and it is something that countless individuals have difficulty with every single day. It is not a skill that people are born with, unfortunately, and you will need to learn effective money management skills. In this blog, we will

What Really Impacts Your Credit Score?

In this blog, we will be looking at what really impacts your credit score. It is vital to understand what influences and affects your credit score,  especially in this day and age when your credit score plays such a large part in almost every application for credit

The Payday Loan Market In The U.K

The payday loan market in the U.K has grown massively in recent years and despite the collapse of Wonga in 2018, is still going strong. In this blog, we will be surmising for you the payday loan market of the U.K, providing you with facts, figures, statistics and

Track your Spending

Top tips to keep Track of your Money Whether you are hear because you are looking for a loan or because you would like to know more about tracking your hard earned cash, LoanPig are here to help you. Setting a budget is all about planning where your money is going,

Payday Loans For Students

As a student, managing your finances can be a serious challenge and you might find yourself as a student looking for or at the very least researching a payday loan. If this applies to you then this is honestly nothing to be ashamed of! Student loans can and do often

How to Improve Your Credit Score

Making credit purchases online without having some kind of credit rating or credit score which determines how much of a risk you will be to the lender can be difficult. Your credit history is perhaps one of the most important features of adult life these days, and not