Should I take out a payday loan to pay off another payday loan?

Should I take out a payday loan to pay off another payday loan? Payday loans can be great for financial emergencies when you're strapped for cash. But understanding what an emergency is and when to say no to an easy alternative are two different things. Even though

Is Short Term Borrowing The Only Way To Get Money?

Is Short Term Borrowing The Only Way To Get Money? There are lots of reasons you might need to borrow – and lots of ways to do it. There are several ways to borrow money and which you choose ultimately depends on what you want to achieve. Take a look at the short term

The Ins and Outs of Loan Calculators

The Ins and Outs of Loan Calculators Most people would be familiar with the concept of borrowing money, after all, many people do just that when they take out short term loans. However, understanding everything there is before getting a loan can be a little difficult

5 Reasons to Consider a Short Term Loan

5 Reasons to consider a Short Term Loan A short term loan is a loan which you borrow for a short period of time, hence the name. People usually borrow them for up to a year and will be repaid in smaller monthly instalments until you have paid off the fixed price. Our

What Payday Loan am I Eligible For?

What Payday Loan am I Eligible For? There are so many different payday loan options online, all with different lending criteria. It often leaves most customers asking themselves "What payday loan am I eligible for?"... To give you an understanding of your eligibility

High Acceptance Payday Loans

High Acceptance Payday Loans A service that has become more and more popular by the day, high acceptance payday loans. It doesn't matter how careful you are when it comes to your finances, there will be those moments that just catch you by surprise, such as; an

The Difference Between Short Term Loans & Instalment Loans

The Difference Between Short Term Loans & Instalment Loans When you’re searching for short term finance, it can be difficult to know exactly what you’re looking for. Payday, instalment and short term loans can be used interchangeably on the market. In fact, they

Why Payday Loans Are Good

Ask yourself what would you do if you find yourself in a mini financial emergency!!! This is why payday loans are good for some of those situations. Have you ever been in that emergency where you just don't have enough cash to pay for a bill, a car repair, and that