What Happens If You Can’t Repay Your Payday Loan?

What Happens If You Can't Repay Your Payday Loan? When it comes to payday loans and short term loans, repayments are often the most stressful element. Although the payments tend to be spread out in smaller instalments, for some people, they can often seem challenging.

Can I Borrow A Payday Loan With A Bad Credit Score

Can I Borrow A Payday Loan With A Bad Credit Score Thankfully, there are still plenty of choices when it comes to borrowing money if you discover that your credit score is on the lower end of the scale. In many cases, following an application, if a lender reviews your

Improving Your Credit Score in 2023

Improving Your Credit Score in 2023 For many people, getting their finances in order isn't an easy task. In fact, everyone will be in debt at some point in their lives, whether it is large or small. Perhaps you're somebody who has difficulty sticking to a budget or

Why Is It Better To Have A Higher Credit Score?

Why Is It Better To Have A Higher Credit Score? Our credit scores have a huge impact on our overall financial situation, even more so than you may think. Therefore, keeping them in the best condition possible should be a priority in daily life. Many people don't

Why Has Your Short Term Loan Application Been Rejected?

Why Has Your Short Term Loan Application Been Rejected? Identifying the exact reason for your short term loan rejection can be extremely difficult when you don't know the possibilities. Before applying for any kind of loan, you should always educate yourself on the

Does Checking Your Credit Score & Report Hurt Your Finances?

Does Checking Your Credit Score & Report Hurt Your Finances? Keeping on top of your finances is essential in order to move forward into the future with healthy habits. We understand that our finances aren't the easiest of topics. With all of the different incomings

How To Stick To A Financial New Years Resolution

The beginning of a new year is the most popular time for people all around the world to rethink and reorganise certain aspects of their lives. Many people may choose fitness-related goals after all of the food they ate over the festive period. Some may set themselves

Top 7 Credit Score Tips for Everyone

A lot of the issues that surround credit scores and credit reports can be rather confusing to say the least. But the one thing that most people know is that the higher their credit score is the better their chances of getting a mortgage, a car loan or a credit card with

Understanding What Creditors See on Your Credit Report

(Updated 5/3/2018) Your credit report. You know it's important - you've heard it enough after all - but until people actually look at one they rarely understand what lenders see. And if their credit rating - that pesky numerical value that seems to hold some much weight

Payday Loans Without A Credit Check?

Payday Loans No Credit Check? So is it still possible to get a payday loan without a credit check? It's not a simple question to answer but we'll have a go filling in the details. In short the summary is it's increasingly hard to get a payday or short term loan with no